Autocad Set All Z To 0
Re: LISP routine to set all z elevations to 0 « Reply #14 on: Mar 19, 2009, 08:05:55 PM » It is the built in function to access the Z coordinate for Autolisp. Aug 10, 2012 I am looking for a simple Lisp routine to change the Z value of all parts of all selected entities. Move obj 0,0,0 0,0,z end repeat also. Set Z to user input.
I will pass up this very easy opportunity to enter into one of my rants on this subject like I usually do! In short, there is currently no easy solution which works flawlessly to accomplish this. Some people will claim that things such as moving all objects about 0,0,0 to 0,0,1e99 and then about 0,0,0 back to 0,0,-1e99 will work but I have found this to totally change the geometry of some objects and move others to literally miles away from where the rest of the data is. The flatten command will work on some objects, but if you have one single object which will not flatten then the command annoyingly does not run at all. You could always use the properties tab and change objects z value to 0 in there (on lines with different z values only the first vertex will be put to 0 and the rest of the geometry will remain relative as the original) Oooops, I said I wasn't going to go off on one lol. Gerund Vs Infinitive Game there. I I just tried using dxfout to r12 and the 3dpoly still has z elevations. So I don't think that works.using flattern or zero lisp commands changes everything to Z0 except: splines and plines that should be exploded first.