Tftpd32 Dhcp Option 150
If your DHCP server is running from TFTPd32, the phone isn't able to get an IP address from it. I've never really had luck with getting that to work before from TFTPd32. You can manually set an IP address if you want or you can use some other DHCP server that the phone can reach. If you use another DHCP server you can set the option 150, or option 66 on the DHCP scope to point to your computer for TFTP.
Alternatively you can set on the phone under your network config, Alternate TFTP to Yes, and then manually type in your TFTP address which would be your computer running TFTPd32. If you have a Cisco router you can use these commands to setup a DHCP server on it and point the option 150 (TFTP) to your computer: ip dhcp pool phone network default-router option 150 ip Many home routers do not allow you to configure an option 150, if you phone is rebooting on you, it sounds like you cannot get into the settings to enter in a manual IP address and TFTP server. I haven't had experience with many other DHCP server software for windows, here's one I found on google, not sure if it allows for option 150 or option 66 configurations.
A free tftp and dhcp server for windows, freeware. The client or disable the option negotiation switch. Key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE TFTPD32 DHCP.
Here we will provide an understanding for configuring option 150 and to use option 66 for EX Switches. DHCP Option 150 is Cisco proprietary. Option 66 is an IEEE standard. PROBLEM OR GOAL: Solution: For addresses can be assigned manually or by using DHCP. Devices also require access to a TFTP server that contains device configuration name files (.cnf file format), which enables the device to communicate with Cisco Call Manager.
Cisco IP Phones download their configuration from a TFTP server. Buttock Crack Infection there. When a Cisco IP Phone starts, if it does not have both the IP address and TFTP server IP address pre-configured, it sends a request with option 150 to the DHCP server to obtain this information. DHCP Option 150 is Cisco proprietary. The IEEE standard that matches with this requirement is Option 66. Like option 150, option 66 is used to specify the Name of the TFTP server.