Anyuri Must Be Followed By Schema File
I am having trouble defining a pattern such as '*://*:*/*' per anyURI for a simple type. Entering this pattern (although it may not be properly constructed as I'm new to this) is causing the XMLSpy application I'm using to close unexpectedly. Irradiance Map Viewer. Also, is there a good list, on the web somewhere, of patterns or reg expressions for anyURI? XMLfile: XSD file.
XML Schema: Datatypes is part 2., which state that the XML Schema Language must. Followed by a period ('.' ) followed by the name of the facet. I am implementing a function (in Python) that checks for conformance of the string to xsd:anyURI. According to Schema Central it only makes sense to check for.
Well, as Alexander mentioned, they stopped using it anyway because people were successfully using URIs that didn't validate anyway.Any single regex that validates all combinations of URI is going to be a monster.and in fact, you may want to limit your URI to certain groups. Horoscope Software Free Download In Sinhala. For example, you might want to allow and but not mailto: or urn: I think you might find it easier to do an enumeration of patterns. That way you can specify simpler individual regexes, one for each type of URI that you're trying to validate. Regards, Mike Sharp. I thought Alexander was saying that people were using illegal URIs, rather than 'people were successfully using URIs that didn't validate'? I assumed that the term 'illegal' meant something other than not following the pattern.
Why would I want to use this RE that doesn't appear to function even for obvious cases? Further, why have an AnyURI type if one is not going to do any validation? I'd like to be able to define an enumeration of patterns similar to the ones shown on. That seems a lot more straight forward than the RE nonsense.
(REs seem very obfusicating and not intuitive. Two characteristics that make them (REs), in reality, a poor grammar for textual pattern matching (akin to assembler)). All I wanted was a schema type that could validate for structure a URI and or PC file path of the form *://*:*/* (any host, any port, and with any URI), */*/* (relative URI), [a-zA-Z]: * * (PC file path), * * (relative PC file path) for obvious inconformities. My experience thus far is that schema does a lot that is just not useful and little that is. What I'm wanting seems like something that should already exist and I shouldn't have to re-invent the wheel.
What you are trying to do is understandable but I don't think using schema validation is the right way to go. The W3 document on data types () more or less says shema pattern validation of URIs is useless because URIs can be so many things.